3 Ways To Improve PC Performance
Nothing stays new forever. The same goes with your PC. As it gets older, it gets slower. A time may come when your PC becomes so slow that it takes you hours to finish a job that would usually be done in minutes. This slow down in PC performance puts unnecessary stress on computer users and frustrates them.
In this article, you will be introduced to 3 simple methods to help you perform several computer fixes to speed up your PC.
Get rid of malware
If you notice a sudden slowdown in your computer’s performance, it usually indicates that the system is infected with a malware program, such as virus, Trojans, worms spyware, and adware. These programs infect your system with malicious codes and prevent it from working normally. Some of the common symptoms of virus infections are:
- Your programs fail to launch normally.
- There is a massive increase in computer errors.
- The performance of your computer deteriorates dramatically.
- Computer startup and shutdown takes a very long time.
Some of the common symptoms of spyware and adware infections are:
- Your Web pages are hijacked and redirected to affiliate Web sites.
- Web browser home page keeps getting changed to an affiliate Web site.
- Appearance of pop ads you did not ask for.
- You notice several services in Task Manager with names similar to legitimate system processes.
- Dramatic slow down in computer performance.
To prevent these troublesome problems and to completely get rid of these malicious software programs, it is essential for you to have two important tools—antivirus and antispyware. You need to update these tools with the latest virus database and run a thorough full system scan to detect and remove malware. For effective cleanup, you must run these scans in Safe mode.
Get rid of registry errors
The registry is an important part of your Windows operating system because it comprises essential configuration and system setup information that your computer and software and hardware on it require to function. When you are working on your computer, the registry is continuously accessed and modified by the programs accessing it. This continuous use of the registry makes it quite prone to attract unwanted entries that cause it to bloat up and eventually become fragmented and corrupt.
A registry with fragmented files and corrupt entries slows down, and starts generating computer errors. If ignored, this condition may worsen and even render your Windows computer unbootable. To prevent this situation, it is essential for you to regularly scan and clean your registry. The best and simplest way to do the task is by using a dependable and efficient registry tool. A good registry tool:
- Automates and thus simplifies registry scan and cleanup.
- Helps repair damaged registry entries and thus resolves several computer errors.
- Scans deep within the registry database and weeds out malicious virus and spyware entries to ensure their complete removal.
- Defrags the registry to compress and reindex it to speed up data access.
- Backs up the registry so that you can easily restore it in case of a problem.
Get rid of hard disk problems
Hard disk problems usually arise when:
- The disk gets filled up with a large amount of programs and files you no longer need
- The data stored on the disk gets severely fragmented
Both of these problems exert the hard disk, slow it down, and may eventually even cause physical damage to it. You can do the following to get rid of these problems and speed up your hard disk:
- Use Add or Remove Programs or a good third-party program uninstaller to uninstall all programs you no longer use.
- Use Disk Cleanup to get rid of unwanted deleted, temporary, and outdated files.
- Use Disk Defragmenter to rearrange hard disk data to make it contiguous.
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Saturday, January 10, 2009 | 1 Comments