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Creating Useful Shortcuts

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What are the different ways to Eject your CD or DVD drive?

You can press the Eject button on the Physical Drive is it has one, right click on your CD or DVD drive in ‘My Computer’ and select ‘Eject’, or even use a Screw Driver and force it open!

I’m a lazy person who’s often looking for ways and means to make my task or job simpler.

Pressing the Eject button on the Physical Drive and… too lazy to move! (Not mentioning using Screw Driver)

Go to ‘My Computer’ and… too troublesome!

So is there other alternative?

Definitely, and now you can eject your CD or DVD drive with just a double click of your mouse on the Shortcut Eject Icon.

Here’s a simple way to eject your CD or DVD drive with just a double click of your mouse.

1. Download ejectcd.exe and place it on your desktop
2. Double click on it your CD or DVD drive will be ejected.

As simple as that =)

Here’s another useful shortcut which allows you to shutdown your PC or Laptop with just a double click of your mouse.

1. On your Desktop, Right Click > Shortcut (Selecting New Shortcut)

2. You will then see a Popup Window (Create Shortcut Wizard)

3. In ‘Type the location of the item’, key in ‘SHUTDOWN –s –t 01’
I will explain in detail what does –s and –t stands for later

4. Click ‘Next’ and you will be prompt to name the Shortcut.
Give it any name you want and click ‘Finish’

Now, whenever you hope to Shutdown your PC or Laptop, Simply double click on this Shortcut Icon.

You can also fully customize this Shortcut Icon.

Right Click > ‘Properties’ > ‘Change Icon…’

This allows you to change this Shortcut Icon to any Image you want.

If you hope to create a Shortcut Icon for restarting your PC or Laptop, simply change the –s to –r.
As –s stands for Shutdown while –r stands for Restart.

Change the number behind –t to set the time for your PC or Laptop to wait in seconds before shutting down.

You can also insert a comment by adding –c ‘Your Text’ to the line. It will display the Text you specified while counting down the time in seconds.

More useful Shortcuts will be share in later post =)

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